Our Team

- Lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú – PUCP (2014).
- Master’s Degree in Tax Law from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (2021).
- Specialization course in Transfer Pricing (Fundamentals of Transfer Pricing) taught by the IBFD (May 2018).
- International Summer Tax Program, Leiden University The Netherlands (2017).
- Specialist in Tax Law from the Second Specialty Program of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru (2015).
- Senior in the Tax area at EY Peru, formerly Ernst & Young (2014-2016).
- Tax Assistant at EY Peru, formerly Ernst & Young (2012-2014).
- Tax Assistant at Estudio Benites & Abogados (2011-2012).
- Head of Tax Law – Income Tax Internship, at the University of Lima (since 2018).
- Tutor in Tax Dispute of undergraduate students of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú – PUCP (2017-2018).
- Member of the Lima Bar Association.
- Member of the Peruvian Institute of Tax Law (IPDT).
- Member of the International Fiscal Association – IFA Peruvian Group.