Our Team

- Lawyer from the University of Lima, with outstanding mention unanimously (1993).
- Master’s degree in Taxation from Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA (2001).
- Participant of the course “Advanced Transfer Pricing. Specific Aspects” taught by Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria (2019).
- Participant in the preparation seminar on “Principles of transfer pricing” given by the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD), Netherlands (April 9-13, 2018).
- Participant of the course “Advanced Transfer Pricing (General Aspects)” taught by Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria (2017).
- “International Seminar on the Taxation of Non-Residents” OECD, CIAT and Ministry of Finance of Mexico, Mexico (2005).
- “International Seminar on Taxation of Financial Markets” OECD, CIAT and Ministry of Finance of Mexico, Mexico (2004).
- “International Seminar on International Tax Avoidance and Evasion” OECD, CIAT and Ministry of Finance of Mexico, Mexico (2004).
- “International Seminar on Transfer Pricing” OECD, CIAT and Ministry of Finance of Mexico, Mexico (2003).
- Participant in the Seventh Annual International Meeting on the Practical Application of Treaties for the Avoidance of International Double Taxation and Transfer Pricing, OECD, Paris, France (2002).
- “International Seminar on Electronic Commerce and Tax Treaties”. OECD, CIAT and Ministry of Finance of Mexico, Mexico (2002).
- VI Postgraduate Courses in Law, Politics and Criminology in Taxation. University of Salamanca, Spain (2002).
- Diploma in Fundamentals of North American Law from Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (2000).
- Diploma “Specialist in Taxation” from the Faculty of Accounting Sciences of the University of Lima (1995).
- Participant in the IV Tax Administration Course, SUNAT (1993).
- Counsel at Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano Abogados (July 2014- December 2015).
- Senior Associate at Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano Abogados (September 2006- July 2014).
- Claims Manager of the Intendancy of Main National Taxpayers -SUNAT (August 2004-September 2005).
- Specialized Professional of the Tax Standards Management – National Legal Administration – SUNAT (July 2001- August 2004).
- Head of the Claims Section – Legal Department of the Regional Government of Lima – SUNAT (August 1993 – September 1999).
- Professor of the course “International Taxation I – Transfer Pricing” in the Master’s Degree in Taxation and Fiscal Policy of the University of Lima.
- Professor of the course “Financial Taxation” in the Master’s Degree in Taxation and Fiscal Policy of the University of Lima.
- Member of the Lima Bar Association.
- Member of the International Fiscal Association – IFA Peruvian Group.
- Member of the Peruvian Institute of Tax Law (IPDT).